
There are many unexpected links between mathematics and knitting, and this talk will be an informal survey of some of the areas of overlap. We can use knitting and crochet to express mathematical ideas which would otherwise be difficult to comprehend, and we can also use mathematical ideas to inspire new knitting patterns. There are also many parallels between knitting patterns and computer science. Crafters, mathematicians and educators alike are welcome to attend - feel free to bring your knitting!


About the speaker: Julia Collins works as the Mathematics Engagement Officer at the University of Edinburgh. She lectures undergraduates and does a range of outreach work, including science festivals, public lectures, school workshops, MathsJams and generally anything that shows off the beauty and richness of mathematics to the general public. She received her PhD in Knot Theory from the University of Edinburgh in 2011 and is currently visiting Australia and New Zealand as part of a year's leave from work.


Dr Julia Collins

Research Area

University of Edinburgh


Thu, 19/05/2016 - 4:00pm


RC-4082, The Red Centre, UNSW