Dr Di Warren
While a first year Stats course has the potential to be extremely interesting and relevant, students often report the exact opposite, especially in large compulsory service courses.
In order to motivate students, we have introduced a greater emphasis on Stats Literacy, including a collaborative, self-directed assessment, in which students present a report on data of their own choice.
This seems to result in better engagement by both students and tutors.
We'll discuss the challenges, constraints, and lessons, with some exemplars.
Plus a short discussion on the future of Stats tables!
About the speaker: Di is overseeing the major relaunch of first year Stats courses at USyd in 2018, in the context of the new degree architecture. She is passionate about student motivation and engagement through educational innovation. Her most recent project was ' Improving Statistical efficacy throughengaged Enquiry and Student-Driven research in a large First year Course', funded by a Strategic innovation grant (2015).
This seminar is a Statistics/Teaching and Learning Seminar
School of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Sydney
Fri, 17/03/2017 - 4:00pm
RC-4082, The Red Centre, UNSW