Date: Thu 20th June 2024


For decades, models of coupled oscillators have been studied both as paradigmatic models of the emergence of dynamical order in disordered systems. From people walking in step across a bridge to the synchronization of fireflies, these models provide insight into the emergence of collective behaviour in large groups of individuals. Invariably, however, they are predicated on deterministic coupling, or exposure to a single common random forcing being required to drive synchronisation.

I will show that there is another route to synchronization, via noise coupling. This talk will be split into two main sections. In the first I will discuss a more general class of interacting Brownian particles with coupling in the noise strength and its applications to models of swarming and diffusion with finite-sized fluctuations

In the second half I will return to the phenomena of synchronization. With an appropriately chosen noise coupling function, the general model of interacting particles recovers the same phase diagram (and the same small order fluctuations) as the well-known Kuramoto model. However, away from the incoherent state it displays a curious new behaviour of binary synchronization.


Jeremy Worsfold 

Research Area

Applied Mathematics


UNSW School of Physics


Thu 20-th June 2024


Anita B. Lawrence 4082 and online via Zoom (Link below; password: 496934)