2:00 pm, Wednesday, 23rd October


Modular forms and Galois representations have seen repeated successful applications to Diophantine problems.  For some applications it suffices to work with modular forms with coefficients in a finite field.  The algebraic structure of these modular forms exhibits peculiarities that are not present over the rational (or complex) numbers, mainly coming from the p-power Frobenius.  In this talk I will focus on an approach to elucidating this structure via quaternion algebras (which was discovered by Serre) and a generalisation-in-progress to the setting of Shimura curves.  This is joint work with Yiannis Fam (London School of Geometry and Number Theory).


Alex Ghitza 

Research area

Number Theory


University of Melbourne


Wednesday 23rd Oct 2024, 2.00 pm


Room 4082 (Anita B. Lawrence Center)