Postgraduate Conference 2023
Join us for the 10th annual UNSW Mathematics and Statistics Postgraduate Conference! See our students showcase the diverse and cutting-edge research they are achieving right now.
Join us for the 10th annual UNSW Mathematics and Statistics Postgraduate Conference! See our students showcase the diverse and cutting-edge research they are achieving right now.
The School of Mathematics and Statistics invites you to join us for an engaging one-day event filled with captivating talks, enlightening presentations, and invaluable networking opportunities!
This year's theme is Research Translation in all its Forms. Our Postgraduate Conference will spotlight our PhD and Research Masters students' innovative and diverse research through a variety of presentations.
The schedule will include research presentations, plenary sessions, and a poster exhibit. The event provides a stage for our students to share their current work, showcasing the dynamic research flowing from our cohort.
Prizes will be awarded for the top talks in Applied Mathematics, Pure Mathematics and Statistics.
We hope you can join us to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the UNSW Mathematics and Statistics Postgraduate Conference! Lunch will be served, and a catered reception for attendees will be held in the Colombo foyer following the talks.
Registration is now closed for this event.
Friday 11 August
Colombo Theatres, UNSW Sydney (map reference: B16)
Visit the registration button below