MATH2621 is a Pure Mathematics Level II course about the calculus of complex-valued functions of one complex variable.
This course has replaced MATH2620 which was previously a 3uoc course.
Units of credit: 6
Prerequisite: MATH1231 or MATH1241 or MATH1251 or DPST1014, each with a mark of at least 70
Exclusion: MATH2069, MATH2521
Cycle of offering: Term 3
Graduate attributes: The course will enhance your research, inquiry and analytical thinking abilities.
More information: The Course Outline contains information about course objectives, assessment, course materials and the syllabus.
Important additional information as of 2023
UNSW Plagiarism Policy
The University requires all students to be aware of its policy on plagiarism.
For courses convened by the School of Mathematics and Statistics no assistance using generative AI software is allowed unless specifically referred to in the individual assessment tasks.
If its use is detected in the no assistance case, it will be regarded as serious academic misconduct and subject to the standard penalties, which may include 00FL, suspension and exclusion.
The Online Handbook entry contains up-to-date timetabling information.
MATH2621 (alternatively MATH2521) is a compulsory course for Mathematics majors.
If you are currently enrolled in MATH2621, you can log into UNSW Moodle for this course.
Course aims
This course aims to extend our understanding of differential and integral calculus from functions of a single real variable to functions of a complex variable. The differences between the two are often unexpected and very surprising. The theory of complex valued functions will give us many new insights into the real variable theory.
Course description
This is a first course in the theory and applications of complex functions, taught at the Higher level. Topics covered include analytic functions, Taylor and Laurent series, integrals, Cauchy's theorem, residues, evaluation of certain real integrals, Laplace transforms, conformal mappings and applications to differential equations.