What will the future workforce look like? What skills do I need to thrive?
Career Accelerator's Future of Work Project (COMM5044) is a project based practicum that investigates the many challenges faced by future workforces and the human capabilities - curiosity, creativity, empathy and courage - required to overcome them. In this course, you’ll work in a small cross-disciplinary team to address a real-world problem affecting your client's future workforce. You will propose recommendations and solutions to their current and emerging business needs.
This course will allow you to develop the skills and capabilities needed for yourself and for organisations to remain successful in the ever changing global business landscape. This course consists of weekly workshops, modules and several industry partner meetings.
Term 1 2025 industry partners
Course essentials
Term 1, Term 2, Term 3
This course aligns with UNSW term dates.
Future of Work Project is available to UNSW Business School students as an elective.
To be eligible, you’ll need to:
Have completed a minimum of 18 UOC
Have completed Career Accelerator: Essentials Module (Login using Student-enrolment key: Career_Accelerator)
Have space in your degree for this course
It’s recommended you refer to your program handbook and the progression plans to understand your current progression and program. It’s your responsibility to ensure that this course will count within your program requirements.
This course can be completed instead of the specialisation capstone course. (Please check with your school as certain permissions maybe required).
Assessment is satisfactory (SY) / unsatisfactory (FL) according to the standard UNSW scale. Refer to the course outline for more details.
Looking for further information?
If you have any questions about Work Integrated Learning, get in touch with us. We’re here to help.