Joshua Capel, Daniel Mansfield and Norman Wildberger
OpenLearning is an Australia MOOC provider that was set up by UNSW students together with Prof. Richard Buckland, and has now spread internationally with close to 4000 courses. It has recently been accepted by UNSW as a platform for online development alongside Moodle. OpenLearning is distinguished from other course management systems
in being oriented to community, connectedness and social engagement.
Here at the School of Mathematics and Statistics at UNSW Sydney we have been using OpenLearning for a number of years for our Professional Development courses for high school teachers. It encourages student interaction and engagement, and is possibly a more suitable platform for higher year courses. In this talk we will show you how to set up an OpenLearning course, some of the main features of the platform, and illustrate using our currently running course ‘Conditional Probability’ run by Daniel Mansfield.
School of Mathematics and Statistics, UNSW SYDNEY
Fri, 26/05/2017 - 4:00pm
RC-4082, The Red Centre, UNSW