About the workshop

This workshop is a research event, focussed on optimisation. It follows on the Workshop on Geometry and Optimisation that was organised at UNSW in 2019.

Confirmed Participants

  • Farhana Ahmed Simi (University of Melbourne) - online
  • Roberto Cominetti (Adolfo Ibanez University, Chile)
  • Minh Dao (RMIT University)  - online
  • Mareike Dressler (UNSW Sydney)
  • Huyen Duong (UNSW Sydney)
  • Guoyin Li (UNSW Sydney)
  • Hongzhi Liao (UNSW Sydney)
  • Dmytro Matsypura (University of Sydney)
  • Vera Roshchina (UNSW Sydney)
  • Nadia Sukhorukova (Swinburne University) - online
  • Matthew Tam (University of Melbourne)
  • Ilknur Tulunay (UNSW Sydney)
  • Daniel Uteda (University of Melbourne) - online


10:15-10:50 Roberto Cominetti "Q-learning in MDPs as fixed-point iterations: convergence and error bounds"
10:50-11:25 Nadia Sukhorukova "Kolmogorov-Arnold theorem and its application to optimisation and deep learning"
11:25-12:00 Matthew Tam "Minimal Lifting in Proximal Algorithms"

12:00-13:30 Discussions and lunch at coffee on campus (self-sponsored)

13:30-14:05 Guoyin Li, "Frank-Wolfe type method for nonconvex constrained optimization problem"
14:05-14:40 Hongzhi Liao "Douglas-Rachford method is the best!"

14:40-15:10 Strudel Break

15:10-15:45 Vera Roshchina, "Faces of convex sets in general vector spaces"
15:45-16:20 Mareike Dressler, "Apple Strudel and SONCs"


6:00pm Dinner (self-sponsored)


Please get in touch with Vera Roshchina if you are interested in attending this event.

Date and Time

22 May 2023


Anita B. Lawrence 4082 
UNSW Kensington Campus