School of Mathematics and Statistics

First Year Academic Staff

Consultation timetable – 2022 Term 1

For courses: MATH1011, MATH1031, MATH1041, MATH1081, MATH1131/1141, MATH1151, MATH1231 and MATH1241.

Many of our first year tutorials are taught by casual tutors. Because these tutors are not available to provide any help to their students outside the tutorial classes, we always ask that full time staff who are tutoring or lecturing the courses listed above to be available to assist these students for 1 hour for every 2 hours of class contact time.

For example, 3 x MATH1131 lectures / tutorials correspond to 2 hours of consultation time. Our experience has been that tutors are not over burdened by requests for help. Nevertheless it is critical that all students should be able to get help outside their tutorial times.

Please fill out the form below (and click the "submit" button) as soon as possible or no later than noon on Thursday, 17 February Sept to commence on Monday in week 2.

Please do not unnecessarily restrict the help you are will to give as this puts a greater burden on staff who are happy to help in most courses.

Consultations will be on the Staff Consultation moodle page for 2022 Term 1