Please submit the timetabling requirements information for your Term 2 2022 course. 

Deadline is strictly Thursday 9th December, or earlier if possible.

Lectures:  All Level III and above courses will be allowed to change the Lecture activity to Seminar to avoid unlilmitted clash permissions. This will be automatically.  

For Level I and II courses, please advise if you have an assessment during the lecture so a note on the students timetable can be provided.  For  T2 2022 Lectures, most are expected to be Face to Face (F2F) (and all recorded); if there is a change, it's esier to move to online delivery.  NB: Some Schools may be asked to reduce the number of F2F Lectures, this will be managed directly with convenors. 

Tutorials (Small Group Classes):  These should be planned as ‘In Person’ unless online teaching is an approved ongoing arrangement for delivery of the course. Should any adjustments be required to include online teaching in response to changes in COVID circumstances, we will action these during the provisional period.  

Please take the time to plan exactly how you want your course to run with regards to the academic structure of the lectures/tuts/labs for example hours per week 2+2+1 3x3, also when you do want your tuts/lab to run odd/even weeks.

All courses will be term planned weeks 1-5, 7-10 there is no longer teaching in week 6 or week 11 where course would have been resequenced due to a public holiday. 

If you are unsure of what you are teaching please check with your Department Head. Thank you.

Contact Staff:

Hilda Cahya for Level 1 & 2 courses 

Markie Lugton for Level 3 + above courses