Administered by the School of Education and the Faculty of Science, the Major in Mathematics in the Science Education Program (BSc/BEd) is a combined degree designed to give future mathematics teachers a solid grounding in the essentials.
This combined Science and Education Degree Program is a four-year course with an opportunity for students with excellent results to continue for another year (total five years) to obtain an Honours degree.
In first year you will study the core topics any student at UNSW needs if their degree involves mathematics, as well as some vital computing skills to increase your employment options. You may choose elective courses from several other schools, so you can follow or cultivate other interests.
In later years you will have the opportunity to experience a broad range of mathematics. As a teacher, you should know areas from pure mathematics, applied mathematics, statistics and computing – so courses in these four disciplines are encouraged. You should indulge yourself by following your own particular mathematical interests since you will pass on to your students, inadvertently or intentionally, your true level of enjoyment and enthusiasm for the subject.
Mathematics can be studied at the Ordinary level or at the Higher level depending on your interests and abilities. Study at the Higher level is recommended (and may be necessary for certain courses in later years).
If you do the extra Honours year of the Science Program, you will do some coursework as well as spend time writing a thesis. The aim of the thesis is for you to become involved in an active area of research of your choice. You could even discover something new, which is not as uncommon as you might think!
You can check the full rules for the BSc/BEd degree in the UNSW Handbook. The requirements for the BSc/BEd in Mathematics are as follows:
- 66 UoC in Mathematics – these courses must be chosen so as to fulfil the requirements for a Mathematics for Education Major (as listed below)
- At least six UoC of Computing courses (eg. COMP1911, ENGG1811) and six UoC of first-year Physics
- 18 UoC further science from any Science school
- 96 UoC in Education
- The balance of 192 UoC may be taken from courses offered by any school that offers either a major or minor in Science.
For more details of individual Mathematics courses, see the Details of Courses page.
- 66 UoC in Mathematics – these courses must be chosen so as to fulfil the requirements for a Mathematics for Education Major (as listed below)
Stage 1
MATH1131 or MATH1141 Mathematics 1A
MATH1231 or MATH1241 Mathematics 1B
MATH1081 Discrete MathematicsStage 2
MATH2011 or MATH2111 Several Variable Calculus
MATH2121 or MATH2221 Theory and Applications of Differential Equations
MATH2501 or MATH2601 Linear Algebra
MATH2521 or MATH2621 Complex Analysis
MATH2801 or MATH2901 Theory of StatisticsStage 3
MATH3560 History of Mathematics (three UoC)
MATH3570 Foundations of Calculus (three UoC)
one of
MATH3531 Topology and Differential Geometry
MATH3511 Geometry and Transformation Groups
MATH3701 Higher Topology and Differential Geometry
Six UoC from Level III Mathematics
Note: MATH3611 (Higher Analysis) can be used as an alternative to MATH3570, but note that MATH3611 is a six-UoC course. -
School of Mathematics and Statistics
Phone: (02) 9385 7111
Fax: (02) 9385 7123
Email: ug.MathsStats@unsw.edu.auAlso see the UNSW School of Education.