Welcome to Digital Sustainability Knowledge Hub

The Hub engages in multi-disciplinary research, education, and engagement with the aim of advancing UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs).

Digital Sustainability Hub hero image

Digital sustainability (DS) is the ability to advance the UN Sustainability Development Goals (UN SDGs) through the effective deployment of digitally enabled solutions.

UNSW Digital Sustainability Knowledge Hub

DS Hub strives to establish thought leadership in digital sustainability by developing a holistic approach by which entrepreneurial organizations and communities deploy future-ready digital technologies.

Vision and Scope

DS Hub strives to establish thought leadership in digital sustainability by developing a holistic approach by which entrepreneurial organizations and communities deploy future-ready digital technologies. This holistic approach begins with a detailed analysis of the complex societal challenges facing sustainability issues and works towards innovative digital solutions to address these grand challenges. DS Hub proposes a two-fold research approach to generate knowledge and digital solutions for entrepreneurship, new working models, industry transformation, urban policy, and business ecosystems. First, by conducting evidence-based research, the Hub strives to spur empirical advances by building on top of the theoretical foundation of DS. Second, by applying innovative thinking, the Hub endeavours to develop and deploy digital artefacts that positively impact sustainable development. Ultimately, DS Hub’s goal is to be capable of developing and practising digital sustainability research, teaching, knowledge dissemination and engagement.

Research & impact

We're at the forefront of research discovery and innovation. Explore our key research areas and ongoing projects in sustainable industries, urban environments, resilience and intelligence.


Our workshops on digital sustainability include real-world case studies to promote the Hub’s concepts and visions. These fundamentals are delivered face-to-face and in hybrid mode, targeted to students mainly, as well as to staff members. 

News & insights

Stay connected with the Digital Sustainability Knowledge Hub. Read the latest news articles on contemporary topics and explore exciting evens coming up on our calendar.

Our people


Director - Scientia Professor Shan Pan
Director - Scientia Professor
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Theme Leads

Research Theme Lead - Senior Lecturer Yenni Tim
Research Theme Lead - Senior Lecturer
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Research Theme Lead - Emeritus Professor Walter Fernandez
Research Theme Lead - Emeritus Professor
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Research Theme Lead - Senior Lecturer Sandeep Mysore Seshadrinath
Research Theme Lead - Senior Lecturer
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Research Theme Lead - Associate Professor George Shinkle
Research Theme Lead - Associate Professor
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Research Theme Lead - Associate Professor Catherine Collins
Research Theme Lead - Associate Professor
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Education Program Lead - Senior Lecturer Veronica Jiang
Education Program Lead - Senior Lecturer
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Education Program Lead - Senior Lecturer George Joukhadar
Education Program Lead - Senior Lecturer
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Engagement Program Lead - Senior Lecturer Christine Van Toorn
Engagement Program Lead - Senior Lecturer
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Engagement Program Lead - Professor of Practice Richard Webby
Engagement Program Lead - Professor of Practice
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Michele Roberts profile picture
Member - AGSM Academic Director
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Member - Associate Professor Markus Hoellerer
Member - Associate Professor
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Member - Senior Lecturer Nicole Gardner
Member - Senior Lecturer
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Member - Associate Professor Samad Mohammad EbrahimzadeSepasgozar
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Xinyue Zhang
Member - Doctoral Student
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Member - Doctoral Student


Member - Research Associate Christian Criado-Perez Chanin
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