First year electives allow you to take level 1 courses that are otherwise not core for your chosen specialisation. In some specialisations you may have recommended courses as your L1 electives, however you may choose any of the below subjects.
If one of your core courses is on the L1 elective list you can double count this and choose an extra discipline elective later in your program.
- First year electives can be taken at any time in your program. Some courses may have pre-requisites, co-requisites or exclusions, please check carefully.
- The chemistry courses are sequenced: (CHEM1811, CHEM1821) or (CHEM1011, CHEM1021) or (CHEM1031, CHEM1041).
- Students can only count one of either COMP1521 or COMP1531 as a first year elective.
- For more details about individual programs (like whether your school suggests certain electives), see the relevant entry in the Online Handbook.
- All courses are 6 units of credit (UOC)
Contact The Nucleus if you want help clarifying your choice of courses. If you are enrolling into 2nd year and later, please contact your school office if you require assistance with your enrolment.
Click on the course below to view the current handbook description and click on the [ T ] to view the current timetable.
Course Code |
Timetable |
Course Title |
Streams including as Core Subject |
Recommended |
ARTS2755 | [ T ] | Global Development in Practice: Concepts and Practice for Inclusive Development | ||
Molecules Cells and Genes |
Bioinformatics Engineering |
Engineering in Medicine and Biology |
All Biomedical Engineering dual combinations |
Ecology, Sustainability and Environmental Science |
Environmental Engineering |
Sustainable Product Engineering and Design |
Chemical Engineering, Industrial Chemistry |
Chemistry 1A: Atoms, Molecules and Energy |
Environmental Engineering |
Chemistry 1B: Elements, Compounds and Life |
Higher Chemistry 1A: Atoms, Molecules and Energy |
Higher Chemistry 1B: Elements, Compounds and Life |
Engineering Chemistry 1A
Chemical Engineering, Chemical Product Engineering
Preferred initial Chemistry course for Engineering students. Alternate Chemistry course for Environmental Engineering. |
Engineering Chemistry 1B |
Chemical Engineering, Chemical Product Engineering
Preferred second Chemistry course for Engineering students.
COMM1120 | [ T ] | Collaboration and Innovation in Business | ||
Computer Systems Fundamentals
All CSE and EET streams
Electrical, Telecommunications |
Software Engineering Fundamentals
All CSE streams |
Environmental Principles and Systems |
Environmental Engineering |
Electrical and Telecommunications Engineering
All EET and MME streams, Computer Engineering
Electrical Engineering, Photovoltaics and Solar Energy, Renewable Energy, Telecommunications |
Grand Challenges for Engineering |
Undergraduate Special Projects |
Engineering Mechanics |
Civil Engineering, Mining Engineering, MME streams |
Engineering Infrastructure Systems
Civil Engineering, Geospatial Engineering |
Fundamentals of Geology
Surveying and Geospatial Engineering
Geospatial Engineering, Surveying
Mining Engineering, Petroleum Engineering |
Discrete Mathematics
Bioinformatics Engineering, Software Engineering |
Engineering Materials and Chemistry
Petroleum Engineering
Civil Engineering, Mining Engineering, Photovoltaics and Solar Energy, Renewable Energy Engineering |
Introduction to Materials for Engineering Applications |
Mechanical Engineering
Mineral Resources Engineering
Mining Engineering |
Higher Physics 1B
All EET streams
Alternative physics course for Computer Engineering, all SPREE and all MME streams (except Naval Architecture) |
Psychology 1A
PSYC1028 | [ T ] | Psychology of Human Centred Design | ||
Sustainable Energy
Photovoltaics and Solar Energy, Renewable Energy Engineering |